OCLC (Online Computer Library Center)
Link to search: WorldCat (OCLC)OCLC (Online Computer Library Center) was established in 1967 in Ohio (USA). Currently, OCLC has more than 70,000 members in 170 countries.Ta Quang Buu Library, Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST), has been member of OCLC since 2015 and has uploaded the thousands of biliographic records to contribute to OCLC's massive data store, helping readers in over the world can access the resources of Ta Quang Buu Library.
Some products provided by OCLC:
WorldCat: is a global biliographic database, storing over 380 million bib-records in many different languages. Readers can search by following the link provided above.
WorldShare: is OCLC's series of platforms, tools and applications that help members exploit, share, and collaborate in order to make the most of OCLC's hug data and documents.You can find more information here: Products - Services of OCLC